Main Content
Here you will find information about our company detailing the type of work we specialise and how we can bring solutions to your Building and Joinery projects.
We have built our reputation on a wealth of experience during the last 35 years working in the Public and Private sector for National Companies, Local Businesses, Health Authorities and Domestic clients which have included New Build-Contracting, Refurbishment, Shop Fitting, Bespoke Joinery and Heritage restoration work.
We operate from an established factory in Trawden which is well equipped with modern woodworking machinery and provides the necessary space and light conducive to achieving high standards of workmanship.
When you have taken the opportunity to explore our website do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have or any advice you may require relating to a particular project.

A great asset to our company is having the facility to manufacture high quality joinery under our total control in our own workshop...
Shop Fitting
Shop fitting projects demand high quality production, good design and fastidious attention to detail and we are pleased to have been...
Domestic, commercial or industrial, our customers have used our services for many years because we attend promptly to their wishes...